Our Lawful Interception Management System (LIMS) is designed to help government agencies and organizations comply with legal requirements for collecting and handing over electronic communications to government agencies. Voida LIMS solution is a state-of-the-art monitoring solution for fixed and mobile networks that allows authorized parties to access, collect, and retrieve data in real-time. The system is designed to meet the legal requirements of government agencies and other organizations, such as law enforcement and intelligence agencies, for collecting and analyzing electronic communications.
Voida LIMS enables target-based monitoring of public communications services, including telephone calls, mobile data, and Internet-based services such as e-mail, Voice-over-IP, instant messaging, etc. The system acts as a bridge or mediation gateway between the service provider’s network and the law enforcement’s monitoring centers. Strong security provisions prevent unauthorized access, secure all private user data, and facilitate security audits by comprehensive logging.